This feature allows you to see records that have been changed after the audit trail was turned on, as well as viewing logins to the system.
Navigation Path: Portfolio>Setup>Audit Trail
 Date Slider
Use the slider to determine the date range of the audit log.
This column will identify the user that made changes or logged in.
Identifies the date of the change or login.
 Action Type
Identifies if the action was the user logging in or making updates to a record.
Identifies the project that the user made changes in.
 Record Type
Identifies the module that the user made changes in.
 Record (Current)
Identifies the Record ID that was modified.
Identifies the tab (or header) name in which the record was modified.
Identifies if the change was made within a grid.
Identifies which field was modified.
 Old Value
This was the value prior to the change.
 New Value
This was the value after the change.