Source: Select the source of the funding. The options available are configured by your Administrator in the Portfolio>Lists>Lists menu. Note: If this is left blank then a source can be selected for each line item created within this record.
Code: Enter a code or abbreviation that you would like to use to represent this funding record. Note: If this is left blank then a code can be created for each line item created within this record.
Record #: This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb.
Description: Enter a description of the fund.
Status: The status (draft, submitted etc.) will automatically be updated by PMWeb based on the workflow configuration
Revision: Enter the revision number.
Date: This field will automatically be populated by PMWeb with the current date.
Post As: Select whether this Funding Request should show as an Original Funding (same as a Funding Record) or as a revision to the current funding.
Funding By: Select whether the funding is at the Project, Program or Portfolio level. If Program is selected, choose the program. If Project is selected, choose the project. Note: Once the record is saved, this field can no longer be changed.
Select the project associated with the fund. Note: This field will be filtered based on the criteria selected in the "Funding by" field in the Header Details section.
This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the selection made in the "funding by" field. It will also populate based on the project selected.
This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the value entered in the source field in the header details. If the Source field was left blank in the header details, then you will be able to select the source for each line item.
This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the value entered in the "code" field in the header details. If the Code field was left blank in the header details, then you will be able to enter a code for each line item.
This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the task selected (based on the start date of the task). This field can also be manually populated.
This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the task selected (based on the finish date of the task). This field can also be manually populated.