User Guide


A Requisition is an invoice that is generated against an existing Contract.
Navigation Path:  Cost Management > Invoices > Requisitions

Select Requisition

Use to search for existing Requisitions

Header Details

Project:  Used to select the project associated with the Requisition.
Contract:  Select the contract the invoice is associated with.
Company:  The Company will be automatically populated (once the record is saved) based on the Contract that you selected.
Invoice #:  This field will automatically be populated by PMWeb with the next consecutive invoice number for the selected Contract.
Record #:  This field will automatically be populated by PMWeb.
Invoice Date:  Enter the date of the actual invoice.
Revision:  Enter the revision number.
Date:  This field will automatically be populated by PMWeb with the current date.
Status:  The status (draft, submitted etc.) will automatically be updated by PMWeb based on the workflow configuration.
Cost Period:  Select the cost period associated with the Requisition.  This field is configured by your Administrator in the Portfolio>Lists>Periods menu.
Invoice Due:  Enter the date the invoice is due to be paid (may be based on payment terms 30, 60 days etc.)


Click to save the header details of the form.  When you save, you will be asked if you would like to copy the contract schedule of values into this requisition.  Press OK if you would like to use the Contract's schedule of values to enter the requisition amounts.

Contract Snapshot

These fields provide an overview of the contract.  This area will be populated after you save the header details and add line items to the contract.


Click to add new line items.  Note that if your Contract does not allow overbilling (or has overbilling maximums set) then adding new line items and billing against them may violate overbilling rules and keep you from being able to save your record.

Add Actual Costs

Click to add EXISTING actual costs from Progress Invoices, Miscellaneous Invoices and Production documents with the same Req. Codes.  This will update the existing Schedule of Values (SOV) line items with the percent/amount completed based on the Req. Code.

Change Orders

Click to add EXISTING change orders to be billed against.


This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb.


Enter the description of the line item.

% Complete

Enter the percentage complete for the line item.  This value will also be calculated based on the values in the scheduled value, prior invoices, stored materials and current invoice fields.

Scheduled Value

The Scheduled Value will automatically populate based on the Contract that the Requisition is linked to.

Prior Invoices

This field will automatically be populated by PMWeb based on prior invoice amounts for each line item.

Current Invoice

Enter the total amount to be paid for the line item.

Stored Material

Enter the value for stored material.

Total This Invoice

This field will automatically be populated by PMWeb based on the values in the % complete, scheduled value and current invoice fields.

Total Invoice

This field will automatically be populated by PMWeb based on the values in the % complete, scheduled value, current invoice fields prior and  current invoice fields.

Balance to Invoice

This field will automatically be populated by PMWeb based on the values in the % complete, scheduled value prior and current invoice fields.

Services Retain %

Enter the retainage percentage amount for the line item, the service retain amount field will be populated.  Note:  The retainage percentages set up in the Contract will auto populate each line item in the Requisition.  These percentages can be changed as needed per line item.

Service Retain Amount

This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the value entered in the Services Retain % field.  You can also enter the amount in this column which will update the % field.

Material Retained %

Enter the percentage of retainage for the material/equipment.  Note:  The retainage percentages set up in the Contract will auto populate each line item in the Requisition.  These percentages can be changed as needed per line item.

Materials Retain Amount

Enter the material/equipment retainage amount.

Total Retained

This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the values in the services retain amount and materials retain amount fields.

Cost Code

The Cost Code will automatically populate based on the Contract that the Requisition is linked to.

Req. Code

This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the Contract that the Requisition is linked to.


Select the task associated with the line item.  The options are configured within the schedule module.


Enter and details/notes regarding the line item.


This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb with the change order the Requisition is linked to.

Create Next

Once the Requisition is Approved and Saved, the Create Next button will appear on the LAST requisition for each Contract.  Press to create the next consecutive Requisition for the Contract.  The line item data will be carried forward into the Prior Invoices column.