User Guide

Progress Invoice

A Progress Invoice (also referred to as progress billing, percentage of completion billing, or partial billing) is used to track an invoice from a vendor or subcontractor against a Commitment.
Navigation Path:  Cost Management > Invoices > Progress Invoices
Progress Invoice

Select Requisition

Use to search for existing Progress Invoices.


Click to add new Progress Invoice.

Header Details

Project:  Used to select the project associated with the Requisition.
Commitment:  Select the Commitment the invoice is associated with.
Company:  The Company will be automatically populated (once the record is saved) based on the Commitment that you selected.
Description:  Enter a Description for the Progress Invoice (ie. January Invoice, etc.)
Reference:  Enter any required reference information.
Invoice #:  This field will automatically be populated by PMWeb with the next consecutive invoice number for the selected Commitment.
Record #:  This field will automatically be populated by PMWeb.
Revision:  Enter the revision number.
Date:  This field will automatically be populated by PMWeb with the current date.
Status:  The status (draft, submitted etc.) will automatically be updated by PMWeb based on the workflow configuration.
Cost Period:  Select the cost period associated with the Commitment.  This field is configured by your Administrator in the Portfolio>Lists>Periods menu.
Category:  Select a Category for this invoice.  This field is configured by your Administrator in the Portfolio>Lists>Lists menu.


Click to save the header details of the form.

Contract Snapshot

These fields provide an overview of the contract.  This area will be populated after you save the header details and add line items to the contract.

On Line Invoice

This area can be used by vendors/contractors to submit their invoices in PMWeb. 
Invoice Date:  Enter the date of the invoice.
Invoice Due:  Enter the date that that invoice payment is due.
Invoice Type:  Select whether this is a progress invoice or the final invoice to close out the commitment.
Contact:  Enter the name of the the person to contract regarding this invoice.
Comment:  Enter any general comments regarding the invoice.
Print Lien Waiver:  The Print Lien Waiver button prints a standard lien waver form. 
Signed Lien Waiver Attached:  Check this box to note that there is a lien waiver attached.


Click to enter adjustments (fees, insurance, taxes etc.) to the Progress Invoice.  See the Commitments>Adjustment section of the guide for more details

Use Units

This field will allow you to enter units of measure and quantities of that item.  If this option is not selected, the line item will be a lump sum value.

Change Orders

Click to add EXISTING approved change orders so you can invoice against them.  A screen will appear with a list of change orders.  Select the change order(s) you want to add by placing a check mark to the left of the change order name.   Once all items are selected click save.
Note:  The change order date must be today or prior to the current date.  PMWeb will not allow you to invoice against something that is in the future.


This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the commitment selected.


This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the commitment selected.

Cost Code

This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the commitment selected.

Scheduled Value

This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the commitment selected.

Stored Material

Enter the value of the equipment.

Prior Invoices

This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the commitment selected.

Total This Invoice

This field will automatically be populated by PMWeb based on the values in the % complete, scheduled value and current invoice fields.

Total Invoice

This field will automatically be populated by PMWeb based on the values in the % complete, scheduled value, current invoice fields prior and  current invoice fields.

Current Invoice

Enter the total amount to be paid for the line item.

% Complete

Enter the percentage complete for the line item.  This value will also be calculated based on the values in the scheduled value, prior invoices, stored materials and current invoice fields.

Balance to Invoice

This field will automatically be populated by PMWeb based on the values in the % complete, scheduled value prior and current invoice fields.

Services Retain %

Enter the retainage percentage amount for the line item.  When you are ready to release the retention, edit the line and enter 0 dollars in the retain % or retain amount column.

Service Retain Amount

Enter the retainage for services for the line item.

Material Retained %

Enter the percentage of retainage for the material/equipment.

Materials Retain Amount

Enter the material/equipment retainage amount.

Total Retained

This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the values in the services retain amount and materials retain amount fields.


Select the phase (construction, design etc).  This field is configured by your Administrator in the Portfolio>Lists>Projects menu.


This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb with the Commitment Change Order number associated with the line item.


Select the location where the work was performed.  This field is configured by your Administrator in the Portfolio>Lists>Projects menu.

Cost Type

Select the cost type (equip., labor etc.) associated with the line item.


Enter additional details regarding the line item.

Req. Code

This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the Req. Code entered on the selected Commitment.


Select the task associated with the line item.  The options are configured within the schedule module.

Assigned To

Select the company the item is assigned to.


This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the whether the line item is part of the Original Commitment or as the result of a revision.

Create Next

Click to create the next Progress Invoice.  The information from this invoice will be copied to the new invoice.  Note:  The "Create Next" button will only be available on the LAST invoice for each commitment once it's in a status of  Approved.