User Guide


Initiatives are preliminary (high level/conceptual) estimates. They typically include high level costs not broken down by line item dollar values.  Initiatives can eventually be converted to estimates or projects once more  details are known.
Navigation Path:  Planning > Portfolio Planning > Initiatives


Click to create a new initiative.

Header Details

Initiative ID: Enter an ID for the initiative.
Name: Enter a name for the initiative.
Type: Select the type of initiative.  The options for this field are configured by your Administrator in the Portfolio>Lists>Lists menu.
Abbreviation: Enter an abbreviation for the initiative.
Plan: This field will populate if the initiative is created from a Plan or if the initiative is linked to a plan.
Status: The status (draft, submitted etc.) will automatically be updated by PMWeb based on the workflow configuration.
Revision: Enter the Revision Number
Date: This field automatically populates with the date the initiative is created.
Template: Select the template to associate with the initiative.  The cost codes in the template project will be available when populating the Details grid.
Location: Select the location for the initiative.
Funding Year: Select the funding year for the initiative (if applicable).
Priority: Select the initiative priority.  The options for this field are configured by your Administrator in the Portfolio>Lists>Lists menu.
Sponsor: Select a sponsor for the initiative (if applicable).
Funding Source: Select a funding source for the initiative.
Project Manager: Select a project manager for the initiative from the contacts list (if applicable)
Start/Finish: Select the starting and finishing dates for the initiative.
Weighted score: Enter the weighted score for the initiative (if applicable).
Initiative Total: This field will populate based upon the totals from the details grid.


Click to save the Header details.  The Details grid will become available.

Add Items

Click to add items from the Items catalog that is found in the Planning>Setup>Items menu.  The items catalog will open.  Drag items and/or folders from the tree on the left hand side to the grid located on the right hand side.  Click Save and Close to add the items to the initiative.

Add Assembly

Click to add an assembly from the assemblies tree that is found in the Planning>Setup>Assemblies menu. Select the Assembly you wish to include, enter a Quantity for the assembly, Click on calculate to generate a total cost for the assembly.  Click Save and Close to add the calculated assembly to the initiative.


Click to add an individual line item to the initiative.

Details Grid

When using the Add Items or Add Assembly option the fields will auto populate based on the information contained within the preexisting items or assemblies you selected.
To add a new item, click Add:
Description:  Enter a description for the line item.
UOM: Select a Unit of Measure.
Quantity:  Enter the quantity for the line item.
Unit Cost: Enter a unit cost (if applicable).
Total Cost:  If unit cost is not being used, enter the total cost.  Unit cost will auto populate with the number.
Cost Code: Select a Cost Code for the line item (if applicable).
Funding Source: Select a funding source.
Year: Select a year for the initiative.
Click on the Save button in the Details Grid.


Click to generate either Project Records or Commitments from the initiative.