User Guide

Planning Portfolio Worksheet

This worksheet allows you to set up your capital plan which will provide a view of your portfolio.  It allow you to link to existing initiatives or add new ones.
Navigation Path: Planning > Planning Portfolio Worksheet
Planning Portfolio Worksheet


Click to add a new estimate.

Header Details

Plan Year  Enter the plan year
Portfolio: Select the program to build your planning portfolio.
Portfolio Name:  Enter a name for your portfolio
Currency:  Select the currency
Revision: Enter the Revision Number
Date:  This field is auto populated.
Status:  The status (draft, submitted etc.) will automatically be updated by PMWeb based on the workflow configuration.
Plan Recap:  These fields will be automatically be populated based on the items in the grid section of the form. 

Add Initiative

Click to add a new initiative.  Once selected, you will be directed to the initiative form (see initiative section for instructions).  Once an initiative is entered and saved, the initiative will be linked to the planning portfolio.

Link Initiative

Click to link an existing initiative.  Once selected a list of existing initiatives will be displayed.  Check the box to the left of the initiative you want to add and click Save.  The initiative information will now be displayed in the grid section of the portfolio planning worksheet.


Click to add a new line item.


Enter the years from/to.  Once entered the monthly columns will appear in the grid so you can spread the dollars accordingly.

Details Grid

Line #:  This field will be auto populated
Fund:  Check the box if you want to fund the line item???
Initiative Description:  Enter a description for the line item.
Initiative ID:  This field will be auto populated
Funding Year: Select the funding year
Funding Source:  Select the funding source
Project Manager: Select the project manager
Total:  This field will be auto populated based on the values entered in the month/year columns.
2012 - 2017: Enter the dollar amounts by month.  The columns that appear are dependent on the values entered in the From/To fields.
Type: Select the type.  The options for this field are configured by your Administrator in the Portfolio>Lists>Lists menu.
Start/Finish: Enter the start date and finish date.
Priority: Select the priority
Score: Enter the score
Sponsor: Enter the sponsor name
Notes:  Enter any additional details relating to the line item
UserDef1/Def2: These fields can be customized based on clients needs.

Only Lines with Currency Amount

Check the box if and press the filter button to filter out line items that do not have any dollars spread throughout the years.

Funding History

These fields provide an overview of the funding history to date.  They will be auto populated based on information entered in the initiative section.


Click to generate project records. Once selected a screen will be displayed and you will have the option of creating a project or project records from the initiativess listed in the plan.